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ShareASale: Your Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing


The income potential for affiliate marketers is growing fast. The average yearly income is $62,327. ShareASale, founded in 2000, is a trusted network for affiliates and retailers. It offers a secure and rich ecosystem to succeed.

Affiliate marketing lets people earn money by promoting others' products or services. It works like this: a visitor goes to the affiliate's site and clicks an affiliate link. Then, they buy something from the advertiser's site, earning the affiliate a commission.

Today, earning big as an affiliate is more possible than ever. ShareASale has over 4,500 affiliate programs. This means you can promote various products. These include tech, fashion, learning online, decor, and art.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing lets you make money by promoting someone else's products or services. You earn a commission for every sale. The setup is simple: – First, a customer visits the affiliate's website and clicks a special link. – This link then takes them to the product's page on the advertiser's site. – If the customer buys the product, the affiliate gets a cut of the sale.

Understanding the Process

There are four key players in affiliate marketing. But they're known by different names at times, which can be confusing. These players are:

  • The advertiser (the one selling the product)
  • The publisher (who markets the product)
  • The affiliate network (linking advertisers and publishers)
  • The customer (buying the product)

Key Terminology

For a deeper grasp of affiliate marketing, here are some important terms to know:

  1. Affiliate: The partner who promotes the product and earns for each sale.
  2. Advertiser: The one offering the promoted product or service.
  3. Affiliate Network: A platform that connects affiliates and advertisers and handles payments.
  4. Commission: The amount paid to the affiliate for each sale or lead.
  5. Conversion Rate: The rate at which visitors buy the product after clicking a link.
  6. Tracking Link: A unique link that shows who made the sale.

Knowing these terms and the affiliate marketing process helps you work better with affiliate programs and make more money.

Starting an Affiliate Marketing Business

Thinking of starting an affiliate marketing business? You have two main choices. You can start from nothing or add it to an existing business. Both ways need certain steps to make them work. These steps are important for success.

Building from Scratch

Starting a venture from scratch? First, pick a topic you're into that could make money. Then, make a website or blog. Fill it with good stuff for people to read. This makes them like you and trust your advice.

After that, find affiliate programs that fit what you're talking about. Sign up for those and put their links in your content. This can make people buy stuff through your links.

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Leveraging an Existing Business

Already have a business? Adding an affiliate marketing scheme is easier. Pick an affiliate program that goes well with what you already offer. Tell your current customers about it.

You don't always need your own website if you're adding to something you already have. But having one can strengthen your bond with your customers. Another option is using special pages and drawing traffic to them in different ways.

No matter where you start, choosing the right topic is key. You also need to be strong online and offer things that help your audience.

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Choosing Your Niche

Choosing the right niche is a big step in affiliate marketing. Think about what you know and love. It's also important to look at how many are interested and how you can stand out.

Evaluating Demand and Profitability

Knowing who wants your niche is crucial. This helps you find what people need. Always do your research to see if it's a good business opportunity.

Start by looking at the search volume for your niche. Tools like Google Keyword Planner show how popular it is. Check if there are products or services already. This can help you find affiliate programs.

Check out the competition in your niche. More competition might mean more people are interested. But, watch out for too much competition.

NicheSearch Volumeaffiliate programsProfitability
Health and FitnessHighNumerousHigh
Personal FinanceModerateVariedModerate

Evaluate how wanted and profitable your chosen affiliate marketing niche is. To succeed, pick something you love and know well. Make sure you can create content that people find useful and fun. This is key to success.

Becoming an Affiliate Marketer with ShareASale

If you want to be an affiliate marketer, try ShareASale. It's a top affiliate marketing network in North America. ShareASale has over 21,200+ merchants looking to team up with passionate influencers. Once you join, you can share products and services that fit your audience's needs.

Joining ShareASale is easy. The application is quick, taking only 5-7 minutes. You might get approved in 1-3 business days, or even faster if you use the right email. After approval, you pick the best sellers for you and start sharing their links.

ShareASale offers a simple site and clear reports. You can see important stats like clicks and earnings. Plus, they give you banners and other tools to help promote sellers' goods efficiently.

ShareASale lets you earn in different ways. You can do pay-per-lead or pay-per-sale. This can help you make more money. Also, their pay rates are good, sometimes reaching up to 30%.

When picking who to work with on ShareASale, do some research. Look at factors like commission rates and how often people buy after clicking. This will help you pick the best ones for your success.

Join ShareASale and see your online business grow. With the right plan and hard work, you can use their tools to meet your goals in affiliate marketing.

Signing Up and Completing Your Affiliate Profile

Joining the ShareASale affiliate network is easy. It takes about 5-7 minutes to sign up. You usually hear back in 1 to 3 days. There are two ways to verify your email: Standard and Fast Track. Fast Track gets you approved quicker.

After getting approved, fill out your shareasale affiliate profile. This helps merchants see you through their Recruitment Tool. Tell them about your website and concept. It helps them know how to work with you. Make sure your website fits with your niche and the items you'll promote. This shows you're real and related to what your customers want.

Showcasing Your Website

Your website is very important for your affiliate marketing. It should match your niche and the items or services you want to advertise. Merchants will look at your website to see if you fit their programs. So, make sure it looks professional and is interesting.

When you fill out your shareasale affiliate profile, give lots of info about your website. Talk about its goal, what it offers, and who it's for. This makes it easier for merchants to see how their products fit with your site. It can help you get into more affiliate programs.

Key Considerations for Your ShareASale Affiliate Website
Clearly define your niche and target audience Ensure your website content is relevant and engaging Optimize your website for search engine visibility Showcase your expertise and authority in your niche Provide a seamless user experience for visitors

By working hard on your shareasale affiliate website, and making your profile detailed, you stand out. You become more interesting to merchants in the ShareASale network.

Selecting Affiliate Programs and Adding Links

Choosing the right shareasale affiliate programs is key for success. With over 260 new merchants each month on ShareASale, you have many options. Stick to your niche and pick programs that really help your audience.

After getting approved by a brand, it's time to put their links on your site. ShareASale offers many ways to add these links. You can use a Product Discovery Bookmarklet, a custom link maker, and tools like banners and coupons. This helps you choose partners that fit your goals.

If a brand lowers their commission, you can find a better deal elsewhere. You get paid after reaching $50 in earnings by the 20th of the month. Check your links to avoid problems like inactive links.

For payouts or if a program declines, contact the brands. With so many options on ShareASale, picking the right shareasale affiliate programs and adding shareasale affiliate links smoothly is essential for your success.

Navigating ShareASale's Link Options

ShareASale gives you many types of links, such as:

  • Text links
  • Banner links
  • Product links
  • Deep links/custom links

Many affiliates like product links. They show product images and have different layout options. To get these links on ShareASale, log in, go to the links section, pick a brand, and then get the link you need.

When you click “Get Links,” ShareASale brings you to the text links tab. Banner links are in a separate tab. There, you can pick a banner and get its code. Product links are under the datafeed tab and show product images. For custom links, you can make them using a form.

With ShareASale's help, adding different links to your marketing is easy. It lets you have a broad and successful way to promote and earn from your site.

ShareASale Promotional Tools

As an affiliate marketer, the right tools are key to your success. ShareASale is a top platform with many tools. They help affiliates work better and earn more.

Optimizing with Reporting

ShareASale's reporting tools are super helpful. They let affiliates track clicks, sales, and how much money they're making. With reports like the Activity Details Report, Merchant Summary Report, and Invalid Links Report, it's easy to see what's going well. This helps make better choices for your marketing strategy.

ShareASale also has tools to help you show off your products better. The Make-A-Page tool lets you make cool displays for products. The Product Showcase widget highlights items from your favorite merchants. And don't forget the Gift Cards, Coupons & Deals database. It's full of deals you can offer to your audience with ease.

With ShareASale's reporting and promotional tools, you can make your campaigns better. This means more sales and money from your affiliate efforts.

ShareASale Affiliate ToolsDescription
Make-A-PageEasily create custom product displays
Product Showcase WidgetAutomatically showcase products from selected merchants
Gift Cards, Coupons & DealsQuickly find available deals and promotional assets
Activity Details ReportTrack clicks, sales, and earnings per click
Merchant Summary ReportMonitor performance across multiple merchant programs
Invalid Links ReportIdentify and address any broken affiliate links

By using the shareasale affiliate tools, shareasale affiliate reporting, and shareasale affiliate optimization features, you can do a lot. You'll make your work smoother, promote better, and see more success with your campaigns.

Advice from Successful ShareASale Affiliates

ShareASale affiliate Cate Rosales says affiliate marketing lets people make money. They do this by helping their audience find what they need. The trick is to focus on real value when promoting products. Aim to truly help your readers.

Cate suggests we should treat our affiliate work like a real job. Know what your audience wants and promote those things. Keep an eye on how well the things you promote sell. This way, you can make smart choices that lead to more earnings.

In the end, ShareASale offers a great chance to earn big. Follow what successful affiliates do. This will help new people do well in affiliate marketing over time.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing lets you earn by suggesting someone else's products or service. You get paid when a sale happens from your endorsement.

What is the affiliate marketing process?

It's simple: a visitor goes to the affiliate's site, clicks on a special link, sees the product, buys it, and the affiliate earns a part of that sale.

What are the key terms in affiliate marketing?

Key roles are: the product owner, the promoter (or publisher), the company linking them, and the customer buying the product.

What are the options for starting an affiliate marketing business?

You can start fresh or add it to your current business. For a new start, pick a niche, set up online space, and connect with programs. If you have a business, select an affiliate program.

How do I choose the right niche for affiliate marketing?

To choose the right niche, pick something you know and love that others do too. Look for lasting interest, available programs, and proven sales. Customer demand is key.

How do I become an affiliate marketer with ShareASale?

Sign up at ShareASale, fill out your info, and choose merchants to work with. Aim for what you're skilled in and enjoy doing.

What do I need to do after signing up with ShareASale?

After joining, complete your profile to be found and approved by merchants. Your site should match your niche and the merchants you aim to partner with.

How do I select affiliate programs and add links to my website?

After approval, place the links on your site. Use ShareASale’s tools like Bookmarklet, link generator, product feeds, and banners to add links smoothly.

What promotional tools does ShareASale offer to affiliates?

To improve your work and earnings, ShareASale gives you tools like Make-A-Page, Product Showcase, and a database of special deals. They also offer helpful performance reports.

What advice do successful ShareASale affiliates have?

Successful affiliates say focus on helping your audience with good products, not just sales. Treat your work seriously, understanding your audience to target your marketing well.

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